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Game - Class in bwapi
The abstract Game class is implemented by BWAPI and offers many methods for retrieving information about the current Broodwar game, including the set of players, units, map information, as well as information about the user, such as mouse position, screen position, and the current selection of units.
Gamete_Meiosis - Static variable in class bwapi.UpgradeType
GameType - Class in bwapi
List of all GameTypes.
gas() - Method in class bwapi.Player
Returns the amount of vespene gas the player has.
gas() - Method in class bwta.BaseLocation
Returns the total gas resource count of all accessible vespene geysers.
gasPrice() - Method in class bwapi.TechType
Returns the vespene gas price of the tech type.
gasPrice() - Method in class bwapi.UnitType
UnitTypes::Siege_Tank_Tank_Mode.gasPrice() returns 100.
gasPrice() - Method in class bwapi.UpgradeType
Returns the vespene gas price for the first upgrade.
gasPrice(int) - Method in class bwapi.UpgradeType
gasPriceFactor() - Method in class bwapi.UpgradeType
Returns the amount that the vespene gas price increases for each additional upgrade.
gather(Unit) - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Orders the unit to gather the specified unit (must be mineral or refinery type).
gather(Unit, boolean) - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Gather - Static variable in class bwapi.UnitCommandType
gatheredGas() - Method in class bwapi.Player
Returns the cumulative amount of gas the player has harvested up to this point.
gatheredMinerals() - Method in class bwapi.Player
Returns the cumulative amount of minerals the player has mined up to this point (including the 50 minerals at the start of the game).
Gauss_Rifle - Static variable in class bwapi.WeaponType
Gauss_Rifle_Hit - Static variable in class bwapi.BulletType
Gauss_Rifle_Jim_Raynor - Static variable in class bwapi.WeaponType
Gemini_Missiles - Static variable in class bwapi.BulletType
Gemini_Missiles - Static variable in class bwapi.WeaponType
Gemini_Missiles_Tom_Kazansky - Static variable in class bwapi.WeaponType
getAcidSporeCount() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Returns the unit's acid spore count.
getAddon() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Returns the add-on of this unit, or NULL if the unit doesn't have an add-on.
getAirDistance(BaseLocation) - Method in class bwta.BaseLocation
Returns the air (flying) distance to the given base location.
getAirWeaponCooldown() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Returns unit's air weapon cooldown.
getAllUnits() - Method in class bwapi.Game
Returns all the visible units.
getAngle() - Method in class bwapi.Bullet
Returns the direction the bullet is facing/traveling in, measured in radians.
getAngle() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Returns the direction the unit is facing, measured in radians.
getAPM() - Method in class bwapi.Game
Retrieves the instance number recorded by BWAPI to identify which instance an AI module belongs to
getAPM(boolean) - Method in class bwapi.Game
getApproxDistance(Position) - Method in class bwapi.Position
getArea() - Method in class bwta.Polygon
Returns the area of the polygon.
getAverageFPS() - Method in class bwapi.Game
getBaseLocations() - Static method in class bwta.BWTA
Returns the set of base locations on the map.
getBaseLocations() - Method in class bwta.Region
Returns the set of base locations in the region.
getBottom() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Returns the Y coordinate of the bottom side of the unit.
getBoundsBottom() - Method in class bwapi.Region
getBoundsLeft() - Method in class bwapi.Region
Retrieves the set of neighbors that this region is connected to.
getBoundsRight() - Method in class bwapi.Region
getBoundsTop() - Method in class bwapi.Region
getBuildingScore() - Method in class bwapi.Player
Returns the Player's Total Buildings Score
getBuildType() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Returns the building type a worker is about to construct.
getBuildUnit() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
If the unit is an SCV that is constructing a building, this will return the building it is constructing.
getBullets() - Method in class bwapi.Game
Returns all visible bullets.
getCarrier() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
For Protoss Interceptors, this returns the Carrier unit this Interceptor is controlled by.
getCenter() - Method in class bwapi.Race
Returns the center unit type for the given race.
getCenter() - Method in class bwapi.Region
Retrieves the center of the region.
getCenter() - Method in class bwta.Chokepoint
Returns the center of the chokepoint.
getCenter() - Method in class bwta.Polygon
Returns the centroid of the polygon.
getCenter() - Method in class bwta.Region
Returns the center of the region.
getChokepoints() - Static method in class bwta.BWTA
Returns the set of chokepoints in the map.
getChokepoints() - Method in class bwta.Region
Returns the set of chokepoints adjacent to the region.
getClosestAccessibleRegion() - Method in class bwapi.Region
Retrieves the closest accessable neighbor region.
getClosestInaccessibleRegion() - Method in class bwapi.Region
Retrieves the closest inaccessable neighbor region.
getColor() - Method in class bwapi.Player
Returns the color of the player for drawing
getCustomScore() - Method in class bwapi.Player
Returns the Player's Custom Score
getDefenseMatrixPoints() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Returns the remaining hit points of the defense matrix.
getDefenseMatrixTimer() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Returns the time until the defense matrix wears off. 0 -> No defense Matrix present.
getDefensePriority() - Method in class bwapi.Region
Returns a value representing the strategic advantage of this region according to Broodwar.
getDistance(Position) - Method in class bwapi.Position
getDistance(Region) - Method in class bwapi.Region
Retrieves the center-to-center distance between two regions.
getDistance(TilePosition) - Method in class bwapi.TilePosition
getDistance(Unit) - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Returns the edge-to-edge distance between the current unit and the target unit.
getDistance(Position) - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Returns the distance from the edge of the current unit to the target position.
getEnergy() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Returns the unit's current amount of energy.
getEnsnareTimer() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Returns the time until the ensnare effect wears off. 0 -> No ensnare effect present.
getForce(int) - Method in class bwapi.Game
Returns the list of events
getForce() - Method in class bwapi.Player
Returns the force the player is on.
getForces() - Method in class bwapi.Game
Returns the set of all forces in the match.
getFPS() - Method in class bwapi.Game
Returns the Frames Per Second (FPS) that the game is currently running at
getFrameCount() - Method in class bwapi.Game
Returns the number of logical frames since the match started.
getGame() - Method in class bwapi.Mirror
getGameType() - Method in class bwapi.Game
Returns the game type
getGeysers() - Method in class bwapi.Game
Returns the set of all accessible vespene geysers.
getGroundDistance(BaseLocation) - Method in class bwta.BaseLocation
Returns the ground (walking) distance to the given base location.
getGroundDistance(TilePosition, TilePosition) - Static method in class bwta.BWTA
Returns the ground distance between the two given tile positions.
getGroundWeaponCooldown() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Returns unit's ground weapon cooldown.
getHatchery() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
For Zerg Larva, this returns the Hatchery, Lair, or Hive unit this Larva was spawned from.
getHitPoints() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Returns the unit's current amount of hit points.
getID() - Method in class bwapi.Bullet
Returns a unique ID for this bullet.
getID() - Method in class bwapi.Force
Returns a unique ID for the force.
getID() - Method in class bwapi.Player
Returns a unique ID for the player.
getID() - Method in class bwapi.Region
Returns the unique ID for this region assigned by Broodwar.
getID() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Returns a unique ID for this unit.
getInitialHitPoints() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Returns the unit's initial amount of hit points, or 0 if it wasn't a neutral unit at the beginning of the game.
getInitialPosition() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Returns the initial position of the unit on the map, or Positions::Unknown if the unit wasn't a neutral unit at the beginning of the game.
getInitialResources() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Returns the unit's initial amount of containing resources, or 0 if the unit wasn't a neutral unit at the beginning of the game.
getInitialTilePosition() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Returns the initial build tile position of the unit on the map, or TilePositions::Unknown if the unit wasn't a neutral unit at the beginning of the game.
getInitialType() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Returns the initial type of the unit or Unknown if it wasn't a neutral unit at the beginning of the game.
getInterceptorCount() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Returns the number of interceptors the Protoss Carrier has.
getInterceptors() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Returns the set of interceptors controlled by this unit.
getIrradiateTimer() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Returns the time until the radiation wears off. 0 -> No radiation present.
getKeyState(Key) - Method in class bwapi.Game
Returns true if the specified key is pressed.
getKeyState(int) - Method in class bwapi.Game
Returns true if the specified key is pressed.
getKillCount() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Returns the unit's current kill count.
getKillScore() - Method in class bwapi.Player
Returns the Player's Total Kill Score
getLarva() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Returns the set of larva spawned by this unit.
getLastAttackingPlayer() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Returns the last successful command.
getLastCommandFrame() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Returns the frame of the last successful command.
getLastError() - Method in class bwapi.Game
Returns the last error that was set.
getLastEventTime() - Method in class bwapi.Game
Returns the time taken to perform the previous event call.
getLatency() - Method in class bwapi.Game
Returns the amount of latency the current game has.
getLatencyFrames() - Method in class bwapi.Game
Retrieves latency values for the game.
getLatencyTime() - Method in class bwapi.Game
getLeft() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Returns the X coordinate of the left side of the unit.
getLength() - Method in class bwapi.Position
getLength() - Method in class bwapi.TilePosition
getLoadedUnits() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Returns a list of the units loaded into a Terran Bunker, Terran Dropship, Protoss Shuttle, or Zerg Overlord.
getLockdownTimer() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Returns the time until the lockdown wears off. 0 -> No lockdown present.
getMaelstromTimer() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Returns the time until the maelstrom wears off. 0 -> No maelstrom present.
getMinerals() - Method in class bwapi.Game
Returns the set of all accessible mineral patches.
getModule() - Method in class bwapi.Mirror
getMousePosition() - Method in class bwapi.Game
Returns the position of the mouse on the screen.
getMouseState(MouseButton) - Method in class bwapi.Game
Returns true if the specified mouse button is pressed.
getMouseState(int) - Method in class bwapi.Game
Returns true if the specified mouse button is pressed.
getName() - Method in class bwapi.Force
Returns the name of the force.
getName() - Method in class bwapi.Player
Returns the name of the player.
getNearestBaseLocation(int, int) - Static method in class bwta.BWTA
Returns the nearest base location(in ground/walking distance).
getNearestBaseLocation(TilePosition) - Static method in class bwta.BWTA
Returns the nearest base location(in ground/walking distance).
getNearestBaseLocation(Position) - Static method in class bwta.BWTA
Returns the nearest base location(in ground/walking distance).
getNearestChokepoint(int, int) - Static method in class bwta.BWTA
Returns the nearest chokepoint (in ground/walking distance).
getNearestChokepoint(TilePosition) - Static method in class bwta.BWTA
Returns the nearest chokepoint (in ground/walking distance).
getNearestChokepoint(Position) - Static method in class bwta.BWTA
Returns the nearest chokepoint (in ground/walking distance).
getNearestPoint(Position) - Method in class bwta.Polygon
Returns the point on the boundary of the polygon that is nearest to the given point.
getNearestUnwalkablePolygon(int, int) - Static method in class bwta.BWTA
Returns the nearest unwalkable polygon.
getNearestUnwalkablePolygon(TilePosition) - Static method in class bwta.BWTA
Returns the nearest unwalkable polygon.
getNearestUnwalkablePosition(Position) - Static method in class bwta.BWTA
Returns the nearest position that is on the boundary of an unwalkable polygon, or border of the map.
getNeutralUnits() - Method in class bwapi.Game
Returns the set of all accessible neutral units.
getNukeDots() - Method in class bwapi.Game
Returns all visible nuke dots.
getNydusExit() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Returns the corresponding connected nydus canal of this unit, or NULL if the unit does not have a connected nydus canal.
getOrder() - Method in class bwapi.TechType
Returns the order used to execute this tech type as an action.
getOrder() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
getOrderTarget() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
This is usually set when the low level unit AI acquires a new target automatically.
getOrderTargetPosition() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Returns the target position for the units order.
getOrderTimer() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
getPerimeter() - Method in class bwta.Polygon
Returns the perimeter of the polygon.
getPlagueTimer() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Returns the time until the plague wears off. 0 -> No plague present.
getPlayer() - Method in class bwapi.Bullet
Returns the player of the source unit, or NULL if the source unit has been destroyed or is otherwise inaccessible.
getPlayer() - Method in class bwapi.Event
Returns the player.
getPlayer(int) - Method in class bwapi.Game
Returns the player with the given ID, or NULL if no player has the given ID
getPlayer() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Returns a pointer to the player that owns this unit.
getPlayers() - Method in class bwapi.Force
Returns the set of players in the force.
getPlayers() - Method in class bwapi.Game
Returns the set of all players in the match.
getPolygon() - Method in class bwta.Region
Returns the polygon border of the region.
getPosition() - Method in class bwapi.Bullet
Returns the position of the bullet, or an invalid position if the bullet is inaccessible.
getPosition() - Method in class bwapi.Event
Returns the Position.
getPosition() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Returns the position of the unit on the map.
getPosition() - Method in class bwta.BaseLocation
Returns the position of the center of the base location.
getPowerUp() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Returns the power up the unit is holding, or NULL if the unit is not holding a power up
getRace() - Method in class bwapi.Player
Returns the race of the player.
getRace() - Method in class bwapi.TechType
Returns the race that uses the TechType.
getRace() - Method in class bwapi.UnitType
Returns the race that the unit belongs to.
getRace() - Method in class bwapi.UpgradeType
Returns the race the upgrade is for.
getRallyPosition() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Returns the position the building is rallied to.
getRallyUnit() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Returns the unit the building is rallied to.
getRazingScore() - Method in class bwapi.Player
Returns the Player's Total Razings Score
getReachableRegions() - Method in class bwta.Region
Returns the set of regions reachable from this region.
getRefinery() - Method in class bwapi.Race
Returns the refinery unit type for the given race.
getRegion(int) - Method in class bwapi.Game
Returns the Region with the given ID, or NULL if no region has the given ID
getRegion() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Returns the region that this unit is currently in.
getRegion() - Method in class bwta.BaseLocation
Returns the region the base location is in.
getRegion(int, int) - Static method in class bwta.BWTA
Returns the region that the tile position is inside.
getRegion(TilePosition) - Static method in class bwta.BWTA
Returns the region that the tile position is inside.
getRegion(Position) - Static method in class bwta.BWTA
Returns the region that the tile position is inside.
getRegionAt(int, int) - Method in class bwapi.Game
Returns the remaining countdown time in seconds.
getRegionAt(Position) - Method in class bwapi.Game
getRegionGroupID() - Method in class bwapi.Region
Returns an ID for the body of land that this region belongs to.
getRegions() - Static method in class bwta.BWTA
Returns the set of regions in the map.
getRemainingBuildTime() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Returns the remaining build time of a unit/building that is being constructed.
getRemainingLatencyFrames() - Method in class bwapi.Game
getRemainingLatencyTime() - Method in class bwapi.Game
getRemainingResearchTime() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Returns the amount of time until the unit is done researching its current tech.
getRemainingTrainTime() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Returns the remaining time of the unit that is currently being trained.
getRemainingUpgradeTime() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Returns the amount of time until the unit is done upgrading its current upgrade.
getRemoveTimer() - Method in class bwapi.Bullet
Returns the maximum number of frames until this bullet is removed.
getRemoveTimer() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Returns the amount of time until the unit is removed, or 0 if the unit does not have a remove timer.
getReplayFrameCount() - Method in class bwapi.Game
Retrieves the number of frames in the replay
getReplayID() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Returns the unit ID that is used in a replay (*.rep) file's action recordings.
getResourceGroup() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Retrieves the group ID of a resource.
getResources() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Returns the unit's current amount of containing resources.
getRevision() - Method in class bwapi.Game
Retrieves the current revision of BWAPI.
getRight() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Returns the X coordinate of the right side of the unit.
getScarabCount() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Returns the number of scarabs in the Protoss Reaver.
getScreenBuffer() - Method in class bwapi.Game
Retrieves the screen buffer for the game (excluding the HUD)
getScreenPosition() - Method in class bwapi.Game
Returns the position of the top left corner of the screen on the map.
getSecondaryOrder() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
getSelectedUnits() - Method in class bwapi.Game
Returns the set of units currently selected by the user in the GUI.
getShields() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Returns the unit's current amount of shields.
getSource() - Method in class bwapi.Bullet
Returns the unit that fired the bullet.
getSpellCooldown() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Returns unit's ground weapon cooldown.
getSpiderMineCount() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Returns the number of spider mines in the Terran Vulture.
getStartLocation() - Method in class bwapi.Player
Returns the starting location of the player.
getStartLocation(Player) - Static method in class bwta.BWTA
Given a pointer to a Player object, this function returns a pointer to the player's starting base location.
getStartLocations() - Method in class bwapi.Game
Returns the set of starting locations for the given map.
getStartLocations() - Static method in class bwta.BWTA
Returns the set of base locations that are start locations.
getStasisTimer() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Returns the time until the stasis field wears off. 0 -> No stasis field present.
getStaticGeysers() - Method in class bwapi.Game
Returns the set of all vespene geysers (including mined out and other inaccessible ones).
getStaticMinerals() - Method in class bwapi.Game
Returns the set of all mineral patches (including mined out and other inaccessible ones).
getStaticNeutralUnits() - Method in class bwapi.Game
Returns the set of all neutral units (including mined out and other inaccessible ones).
getStimTimer() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Returns the time until the stimpack wears off. 0 -> No stimpack boost present.
getSupplyProvider() - Method in class bwapi.Race
Returns the main supply provider unit type for the given race.
getTarget() - Method in class bwapi.Bullet
Returns the unit that the bullet is trying to hit.
getTarget() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Generally returns the appropriate target unit after issuing an order that accepts a target unit (i.e. attack, repair, gather, follow, etc.).
getTargetPosition() - Method in class bwapi.Bullet
Returns the target position of the bullet.
getTargetPosition() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Returns the target position the unit is moving to (provided a valid path to the target position exists).
getTech() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Returns the list of units queued up to be trained.
getTech() - Method in class bwapi.WeaponType
Returns the tech type that must be researched before this weapon can be used, or TechTypes::None if no tech type is required.
getText() - Method in class bwapi.Event
Returns the text.
getTextColor() - Method in class bwapi.Player
Returns the color of the player for text messages
getTilePosition() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Returns the build tile position of the unit on the map.
getTilePosition() - Method in class bwta.BaseLocation
Returns the tile position of the base location.
getTop() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Returns the Y coordinate of the top side of the unit.
getTransport() - Method in class bwapi.Race
Returns the transport unit type for the given race.
getTransport() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Returns the dropship, shuttle, overlord, or bunker that is this unit is loaded in to.
getType() - Method in class bwapi.Bullet
Returns the type of the bullet.
getType() - Method in class bwapi.Player
Returns the type of the player.
getType() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Returns the current type of the unit.
getType() - Method in class bwapi.UnitCommand
Returns the type of the command
getUnit() - Method in class bwapi.Event
Returns the unit.
getUnit(int) - Method in class bwapi.Game
Returns the unit with the given ID, or NULL if no unit has the given ID
getUnits() - Method in class bwapi.Player
Returns the set of units the player own.
getUnitScore() - Method in class bwapi.Player
Returns the Player's Total Unit Score
getUnitsInRadius(Position, int) - Method in class bwapi.Game
Returns the set of accessible units within or overlapping a circle at the given point with the given radius.
getUnitsInRadius(int) - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Returns the set of units within the given radius of this unit
getUnitsInRectangle(int, int, int, int) - Method in class bwapi.Game
Returns the set of accessible units that are in or overlapping the given rectangle.
getUnitsInRectangle(Position, Position) - Method in class bwapi.Game
getUnitsInWeaponRange(WeaponType) - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Returns the set of units within weapon range of this unit.
getUnitsOnTile(int, int) - Method in class bwapi.Game
Returns the set of accessible units that are on the given build tile.
getUnwalkablePolygons() - Static method in class bwta.BWTA
Returns the set of unwalkable polygons.
getUpgrade() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Returns the upgrade that the unit is currently upgrading.
getUpgradeLevel(UpgradeType) - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Returns the player's current upgrade level for the given upgrade, if the unit is affected by this upgrade.
getValue() - Method in enum bwapi.Key
getValue() - Method in enum bwapi.MouseButton
getVelocityX() - Method in class bwapi.Bullet
Returns the x component of the bullet's velocity, measured in pixels per frame.
getVelocityX() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Returns the x component of the unit's velocity, measured in pixels per frame.
getVelocityY() - Method in class bwapi.Bullet
Returns the y component of the bullet's velocity, measured in pixels per frame.
getVelocityY() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Returns the y component of the unit's velocity, measured in pixels per frame.
getWeapon() - Method in class bwapi.TechType
Returns the corresponding weapon for this tech type, or TechTypes::None if no corresponding weapon exists.
getWidth() - Method in class bwta.Chokepoint
Returns the width of the chokepoint.
getWorker() - Method in class bwapi.Race
Returns the worker unit type for the given race.
getX() - Method in class bwapi.Position
getX() - Method in class bwapi.TilePosition
getY() - Method in class bwapi.Position
getY() - Method in class bwapi.TilePosition
Glave_Wurm - Static variable in class bwapi.BulletType
Glave_Wurm - Static variable in class bwapi.WeaponType
Glave_Wurm_Kukulza - Static variable in class bwapi.WeaponType
Gravitic_Boosters - Static variable in class bwapi.UpgradeType
Gravitic_Drive - Static variable in class bwapi.UpgradeType
Gravitic_Thrusters - Static variable in class bwapi.UpgradeType
Greed - Static variable in class bwapi.GameType
Green - Static variable in class bwapi.Color
Grey - Static variable in class bwapi.Color
Grooved_Spines - Static variable in class bwapi.UpgradeType
groundWeapon() - Method in class bwapi.UnitType
Returns the unit's ground weapon.
groundWeaponDamageCooldown(UnitType) - Method in class bwapi.Player
Returns the ground weapon cooldown of the given unit type, includes upgrades
groundWeaponMaxRange(UnitType) - Method in class bwapi.Player
Returns the max ground weapon range of the given unit type, includes upgrades
Guard - Static variable in class bwapi.Order
GuardianAspect - Static variable in class bwapi.Order
GuardPost - Static variable in class bwapi.Order